Steve Brace

The RGS works closely with the GA in a number of areas, and one person who links them both very strongly (other than me of course) is Steve Brace, the GA's Chief Executive since the start of the year 2024.

Steve joined the RGS in 2002. 

He succeeded Judith Mansell as Education Officer and later took in Outdoor Learning and Fieldwork as part of his brief.  This involved him in signficant work to support teachers and connect them with the work of academics, as well as supporting

I worked with Steve during the Action Plan for Geography years (2008-11 in particular), when the GA and RGS teamed up to deliver a project with significant Government funding. He was a regular face at the meetings we had during that time.

He has written a great many articles and contributed substantially to advocacy for the subject of geography with decades of support for teachers.

He was also one of the people who supported me when I lost my job at the GA due to funding cuts, and got me involved writing resources and other projects for the RGS, for which I'll always be grateful.

A useful article on fieldwork is a recent addition to the great many articles and letters Steve has had published over the years.

A search for 'Steve Brace RGS' brings up no end of returns, showing the contribution that Steve has made to geographical education while at the RGS, and which he continues to do at the GA.

He was awarded with an Honorary Fellowship of the RGS at this year's AGM and Awards evening.
