A review of a recent RGS Teachmeet

Claire Brown does an excellent job organising and presenting the Royal Geographical Society's Teachmeets which are held periodically through the year.

One was held a few weeks ago, and I joined in from the garden outside of my classroom - it having been locked and alarmed by the time the event started. It was a warm evening and it was actually more comfortable outside anyway. I nipped over from an event to say farewell to the Headteacher of the school where I work who was retiring after 16 years.

The line-up was a good one.

Emma Espley has produced a useful summary of the six sessions that were part of the event.

Keep an eye out on the website for more events.

We are always keen to have new voices and speakers who have not put themselves forward before. 

Feel free to get in touch to share an idea that you would like to talk about. 
