Voices from the Global South


For too long, conversations around the climate crisis and climate policy have been dominated by perspectives from the Global North.

The Society has partnered with The Open University and the INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL UNION on a new initiative 'Voices from the Global South', that seeks to amplify voices often overlooked in global discussions, foster understanding, and inspire action to combat climate change.

As part of this project, open access educational video resources have been created that highlight Indigenous knowledge and diverse perspectives on the climate crisis, enabling people to engage in active listening and reflect on the need for a multifaceted approach to address climate change.

Watch the videos and take an international virtual field trip through Bangladesh, South Africa, Chile, Nepal, Uganda, Australia, Aotearoa / New Zealand, and Fiji.

Interested to know more about the climate crisis – its roots, consequences and how it is experienced – from outside of the Global North?

On Monday 24 June at 2.30pm, there is an event at the RGS-IBG in London for the 'Voices from the Global South' launch event with keynote speaker 

Farhana is Professor in the Department of Geography and the Environment at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.

Good to see the Open University involved in this initiative. I worked for the OU for 18 months running their VITAL teacher development portal. Another connection is that in 2008, when I joined the GA, my very first meeting was at the Open University where I was in a meeting with David Lambert,  the late Clive Barnett and Doreen Massey, plus Joe Smith (now Director of the RGS).
