RGS AGM 2024

The RGS's AGM is an annual (naturally) event which takes place in June - in person and online. I attended the recent event as the event generally ends with the results of Council elections.  It is open to anyone interested by booking a free ticket. It is also broadcast live online to those who can't make it in person.

The Chair is the current President, and there is a report from the Honorary Treasurer on the Financial outlook for the Society, followed by a review of activity from the Director. There is a chance to ask questions - this time there was a question on the work being done to ensure Education remains a focus for activity given the recent departure of Steve Brace fron the RGS - he is now the Chief Executive of the Geographical Association. The President gives a brief address on the state of geography, and in the case of this year, some thanks and reflections as Nigel Clifford was coming to the end of his three year tenure. Nigel said amongst other things that as geographers "we look the world's issues in the eye" and that "if it's through geography we can understand problems that it is also through geography that we will solve them".

At the end of the meeting, there is the announcement of the Council elections and this was when my appointment onto RGS Council, and about which I shall be blogging for the next several years was made official.

The AGM was followed by the presentation of this year's awards.

Image: Alan Parkinson, shared under CC license.
