Chartered Geographer

Chartered Geographer
status (CGeog) is offered by the Royal Geographical Society. 
It is a form of professional accreditation for geographers in various fields. These are shown in brackets after the CGeog post nominal declaration. 
The accreditation has to be renewed each year by submitting a log of activity and professional development undertaken. This requires all CGeogs to continue to develop their practice and both engage with but also lead CPD and other activities beyond the everyday work that all teachers do.

I have been a CGeog (Teacher) since 2007.

There are the following post-nominal CGeog accreditations available - six at the time of posting:

Specialisms explained:
  • CGeog (Econ): for individuals working in roles involving economic development or analysing the socio-economic impacts of projects.
  • CGeog (Geomorph): for individuals specialising in geomorphology such as hydrologists, river restoration specialists, or fluvial geomorphologists.
  • CGeog (GIS): for individuals using GIS in their roles such as GIS consultants, land surveyors, or geospatial specialists.
  • CGeog (GI) for individuals using data analysis, GIS, or geospatial skills in their role.
  • CGeog (EO): for individuals specialising in Earth Observation such as remote sensing consultants or environmental consultants.
  • CGeog (Teacher): for individuals who have successfully completed a teacher-training year within the qualifying period. Suitable for teachers of geography, however individuals do not have to be a teacher of geographer alone, for example they may teach a mix of geography and humanities
Mentors are available, and there is plenty of support for those who want to submit an application. You can also find other existing CGeogs on a register of names.

I'm happy to answer any questions that people may have with respect to CGeog and also support people with their applications. There are criteria that need to be met before starting your application.
