Cath White Memorial Lecture 2024

I had quite a few motivations for following up on the suggestion that I stand for RGS Council. One of them, as I'll talk about quite a bit on the blog is the historical connections between the Society and the Geographical Association through its officers and joint working on a number of occasions. I would also anticipate being invited to events, perhaps to speak. Another is to raise the profile of Primary geography within the Society.

Although not connected with my RGS role, as the invitation came a while back, this is an example of the sort of thing I'd be very pleased to be involved with in the years ahead...

I am honoured to have been asked to give the Cath White Memorial Lecture for 2024 for the GA Tyne and Wear Branch, which is based at Northumbria University or a local school at Tynemouth for most of its lectures - a place that Cath invited me to speak at several times when I was a little more mobile and active speaking at GA Branches.

Cath was involved with the University and active in so many ways and spheres. Cath was awarded an Outstanding Service Certificate at the GA Conference in 2021. She was awarded the Taylor and Francis Award by the RGS in the same year.

She was Senior Lecturer in Geography at the University having held other positions in the University over the years. She is remembered fondly.

Here's the details of the lecture.

Title: 'Professional zest and pedagogical longevity: the importance of everyday geographies'.

Alan will explore the importance of everyday engagement with the discipline, and how his ongoing interest in technology, travel and photography have influenced his teaching and resource projects. Drawing on Michael Storm's notion of the importance of 'professional zest', he will explore what has kept him teaching for so long, and share some current work. This includes curriculum development, and textbook writing, so there will be plenty of interesting ideas and stories to take away, whether you are an educator, student or just curious about geography's potential for explaining our changing world.

Here's the poster advertising the event.
If you're in the area it would be lovely to see you.
If you're a teacher, please bring some students.
