The Home of Geography

This was the inspiration for the name of this blog: a name given to Lowther Lodge and the later extensions to the original building purchased by Lord Curzon, former Viceroy of India following a fundraising effort.

It's also known as 'Society House'.

The information here was from a history of Lowther Lodge produced for the RGS-IBG at a point when fundraising was taking place to help repair and maintain the building - an important and constant job for the Society.

Download as a PDF from this link

It’s one of the finest Victorian buildings in London, an iconic GradeII* listed building in a harmonious melange of three different eras – the grand 1874 house looking out serenely over Hyde Park and the Albert Memorial; the austere 1930s extension on the corner of Kensington Gore; and the exuberant, award-winning glass pavilion of 2004 fronting Exhibition Road, which has made the Society open and accessible.
